Have you heard of the THRIVE, Level experience?
I have been using this product for almost 4 years and wouldn’t have it any other way. If you click the link added at the end you’ll get the opportunity to watch an educational video on the product.
This product was something my mother decided to start taking when I was still in high school about 5 years ago. She started the journey because she was frequently struggling with kidney stones & other health issues. She wanted to get back on track with her health and weight. As I watched my mom begin her journey I was still effy about the product. Throughout my senior year my mother took this product everyday without skipping, it became her routine and each day you could seriously see her begin to ‘THRIVE’. She still to this day wakes up and immediately takes the lifestyle capsul for women ( to gain energy ) after she’s up and ready for the day, making her way into the kitchen she pulls out the micronized nutrition mix (there are different flavors). My moms uses the chocolate flavored nutrition powder and adds it to her daily smoothie, this being added with her breakfast or as a meal supplement if she’s having a busy morning. After, she proceeds to place the adhesive patch either on her arm or hand. Just by following these 3 simple steps my mom began to gain the energy of a teenager, her daily routines became easier, less stressful, & less tiring. I watched my mom gain the confidence in her energy & health; Soon she decided she had TO MUCH energy and needed to add MORE to her day. My mother who I had never seen workout in my entire life began to wake up every morning before everyone in the house and go to the community track. Not only did this journey bring her to her fittest, & most healthy, but she no longer struggles with her health. While juggling us 5 kiddos my mom is now practically super mom.

After graduation I moved away for college & was signed on to run cross country & track at East Texas Baptist Univeristy. During my freshman year I thought about the product often but felt doubtful it would help me. During my sophomore year I fractured my ankle during one of the first races & was out basically the entire season. In December my rehab was comming to an end and I was getting my ‘boot’ taken off and soon after given the okay to workout again. However, during all this time off: 1 I was out of shape (big time), and 2 I gained my ‘freshman’ 15. This is when I started asking my mom questions about the product & gained the confidence to go for it. From that day on I’ve been hooked. Now let me be very honest.. throughout college I had my stages where I would gain weight, loose weight, eat right, eat junk, sleep, never sleep, drink to much, not drink enough. haha. BUT THE POINT IS, now that I’ve got my life on track hah… about 1 and a 1/2 years ago I started to use the products religiously! Man O’ Man did I see progress & still do, everyday! The days I forget because I’m running out the door to class or work… maaannn do I instantly regret it. THRIVE not only gives my body the energy it needs to get through my hectic, busy schedule but gives my body the daily nutrients it needs to get through. Since starting the level experience I no longer crave, sweets, bread, or caffeine… HOWEVER.. I WILL NOT LIE TO YA’LL! When moon weeks come I do need my chocolate! Now that I’ve dedicated my life to a healthy lifestyle I always try and find of course a healthier option. With Thrive I did not expect to loose weight or for it to even work, but during my journey I’ve experienced everything that everyone shares in the videos & lost the weight! If you want to get your health back on track, watch the video, listen to the stories & take that daring step. Be healthy, be better, be the you, YOU want to be.
