This year, is the year for L O V E ! This year I'm focusing on loving myself, Jesus, my family, my career, and others around me. The year to be thankful for it all. Since moving to Austin I have felt an overwhelming amount of love from myself and family & friends.

This year I'm thankful for loving myself enough to push through the goals I wanted to achieve: School, starting my career, moving, enjoying the company of loved ones more.
COVID brought on a very interesting year for me as it did for everyone! I went through quiet a large break up, a big move, starting my career and finishing school! WOW BABY, yeah it was a lot! This Valentines is all about showing the much needed love and compassion to myself and my life.
This is your reminder whether you're in a relationship or not... L O V E is ALWAYS in the air... if you're not sharing it with a partner today, share it with yourself. Order some cookies, pizza, and ice cream, go all out! Cuddle up with your pup, and give yourself all the self love you deserve.
Here are my MOST POPULAR items bought in FEBruary so far: