Sarah Mckenzie Brotzman
My mission is to help people become the best version of themselves. I strive to help spread positivity and determination throughout everything I do: Therapy, Personal Training, Pageant Coaching, even as your hair and make-up stylist.
I am 26 years old, a certified personal trainer with a nutrition focus from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I also work with 1st Phorm as a Legionnaire, "Advisor" on the 1st Phorm app. With 1st Phorm I am able to continue my education, fitness journey and help educate clients. If you are looking for a personal trainer, or pageant coach, I'm your girl. For all personal training inquiries, please note that I am not a licensed Doctor. Before starting any services it's best you consult with a licesnced physician first before implementing any new exercise or nutrition plans into your routines. Thanks Ya'll. For all pageant coahing inquiries please click here.
I recently moved to a new city, started my career as a therapist and opened my own online boutique all within the same year. I'm learning new things everyday about myself and where I want life to take me. If you're joining me along for the ride then WELCOME, I hope you enjoy all the fashion inspo, coaching tips and soak in all the positive energy along the way.