Have you heard of SLV Global? If you’ve seen my previous blogs you’d know that at the end of 2018 I traveled to Sri Lanka to volunteer to help people struggling with their mental health. SLV started in Sri Lanka but has recently grown to India and Bali; SLV actually recieved the TOP volunteer program in 2018, WHAAATT!!!
I am so happy to have had the experience I did in Sri Lanka & with this organization. I loved my time there & with the program so much that I didn’t want my time to be up. In December I applied for the American Ambassador position and GOT IT !!! HOLY WOW, I know. I couldn’t believe it either.
My position began around the same time spring semester and have loved it so far. This past week I have been creating flyers and posters to hang/ pass around the Universities in Houston to share about SLV’s opportunities. On Friday SLV emailed me my very own website where ANYONE can submit their email to be sent an INFO pack on SLV and everything they offer. **This does not sign you up to volunteer, only to gain information on the programs.
I am so so thankful for this opportunity to spread about SLV and the chance to share my own story and experiences from volunteering. My Ambassador role ends in August & my goal until then is to get 100+ people to enter there info, get the info pack and learn about these amazing volunteer opportunities in other countries. Check out the links below, you won’t regret it!
