Living a healthy life style is extremely important to me. When I was 20 years old I recieved my personal training certification….even re-new it every 2 yrs. . . aaaaannnd I never use it. Hah!
Though I haven’t used it to “train” others I constantly use the knowledge I’ve gained for my own workouts & health. Now to be completely honest with everyone.. I have had my fair share of struggles. Throughout my college years it’s been hard to stay religiously to a workout & nutrition plan. I have had times where life gets a little hectic and I don’t follow a nutrition plan and don’t workout how I should. Therefore I’ve struggled with staying to one weight and body image. BUT this year after a life changing event with my health I’ve stuck with my healthy nutrition AND a good work out plan. I’ve kept a good head on my shoulders and have vowed that even when life gets a little complicated I won’t break into an unhealthy eating splurg.. or get to lazy and not workout for continous days.
So far this plan has been pretty easy to follow. Each week I allow myself one cheat day to ease those sugary cravings (but still aim for healthier options). For workout habits I have stuck to AT LEAST 3 days a week workout plan. If my days are long and exhausting and all I want to do is sleep after work I force myself to AT LEAST go on a walk to get my body moving. If I gain energy I’ll shoot for a workout, if not I still got up and broke a sweat for the day. (walking does not include 1 of the 3 workouts a week). This leaves me with 3 workouts a week minimum plus daily walks (cardio). After my body (& I<<) got use to the daily excersises I’ve moved on to an every day cardio. Each day when I wake up I get on the eliptical for MAX 20 minutes for my daily cardio and then do my actual workout after work or later during the day. I also have 2 dogs, a Husky & a Pomeranian so each day when I get home I take them on at least a mile walk before my workout. To be honest I use to not have the energy to even walk them for half a mile!! After 3 weeks of sticking to this amount of activity I find myself having constant energy throughout the day, and am now ready for my afternoon walk & workout. AND am VERY ready for bedtime when it comes. Haha. Sticking to this I have lost 10lbs and counting. To learn more details on my fitness journey stay tuned. I plan to updating my instagram & blog feed throughout my journey.
