Everyone loves a good high intensity, right? Haha, I didn't think so.

But I promise that once you're done, you'll feel great & accomplished!
Because I am competing in the Miss Houston U.S.A pageant this coming April plus I do actually enjoy cardio, HIIT workouts have been my best friend.
The Houston weather has been to die for so why not get out there, get some vitamin D, tan, and workout.. a 3 in one ! I mean come on, nothing beats that. *wink, wink.* BUUUTTTT on the real, did you know it's proven that we all tend to be a little more depressed and grumpy during the winter seasons because we don't get enough sun. ANNDD that most of us become Vitamin D defficient during these cloudy seasons. SO go out there and getcha some happiness & sun! I hope you can use these workouts and give a LIKE or COMMENT if you enjoyed & wanna see more. Have a great week!